American Farm Company’s Commitment
Together we will honor the hardworking American Farmers, shine a spotlight on American Agriculture, and celebrate the giant impact that family farms have on the framework of our country.
We celebrate…
Crop Farmers / Agronimists / Cattle Feeders / Ranchers / Tobacco Farmers
Our Why:
We know firsthand how special American Family Farms are, we are devoted to celebrating the rich history and recognizing the impact they have on all Americans.
American Farm Families represent under 2% of the American Population.
95% of farms in the U.S. are operated by families
Farmers and ranchers receive only 15 cents (on average) out of every retail dollar spent on food at home and away from home.
On average, one U.S. farm feeds 169 people annually in the U.S. and abroad.
Sourced: USDA Census of Agriculture
Our Products Tell A Story:
Depicting Farm Life
We are committed to creating products that show the magic in farm life- not the fake whimsical stereotypes of farming from the past.
Showing Support
We offer products and designs that make a statement and help our customers show their support for the farmers that feed the world!
Starting Conversations
When 1 in 5 Americans has a distrust in modern agriculture, it is our responsibility to share the truth and explain how modern agriculture truly aligns with the values of American consumers.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Farmers
Little farmers show their love for the farm at a very young age. We love to create products that continue to spark the excitement of future farmers on items they use every day!
Together we can ensure that Family Farms will be honored and American Agriculture celebrated.
American Farm Company is for ALL AMERICANS that desire to show their support and appreciation for the farmers that feed the world!
Without the farmers, there is no food - and without food, there is no future!
Who we are:
We are owned by Iowa farmers, Brennan & Rachel Granstra. Founded in 2018- from the living room of our 1800s farmhouse to a 10,000 square foot warehouse in our small town of 400. We continue to be passionate about supporting the local economy and employing local women with ties to American Agriculture.
Passionate to support American:
Post Office
Printing Companies
Small Town
Print Shops
American Farmers and Ranchers are underappreciated and under-recognized - we exist to honor and celebrate these hard working men and women!
Show your support for American Farmers with American Farm Company.